Teagan Kearney/G.N. Kearney: Writer: BLOGGING AND THE BACK BURNER.


A friend’s 13 year old son asked me if my book was out yet. When I told him no, but that I was now blogging, his face lit up. ‘Wow!’ I could see I’d risen by some degrees in his estimation: I was impressed that he was impressed.

       After almost a whole two months, I think I can officially say I’m a blogger! Yet it still feels like I’m shuffling along a corridor in the dark with my hands stuck out in front of me so I don’t smack into something.

       So what exactly is this blogging? Is it a diary? Is it about giving information and educating people? Is it a rant? Is it a strategic marketing and PR game? Is it an opportunity to get feedback?  Or the chance to display your writing skills by offering freebies to attract readers? Is it a love me, love me cry?  I think it’s all of the above and more.

         Entropy ensures that if you do nothing, you deteriorate. In fact, you actually have to work quite hard to stand still. It’s therefore in your own interest to acquire new skills. So, yes, blogging can be a fresh challenge where you’re writing in a more journalistic, conversational mode instead of poring over any number of literary aspects in your other writing, whether that be poetry, prose or non-fiction. So, I’m going to keep blogging even if the route, let alone the destination, isn’t crystal clear.

I’ve printed out the first draft of my novel. The pile of crisp white pages sits neatly aligned in the centre of my desk. It’s been there for two days. And for two days I’ve ignored it, leaving it on the back burner. I find that stepping away from a piece of work, even for a short while, helps me to come at it with a sharper, more detached, eye. What happens is that you’re using a work – rest pattern that activates your subconscious mind. Everything has a rhythm and putting a piece of work on the back burner doesn’t mean it’s forgotten. 

I’m sure I’ll feel different once the read through is finished, and those pages are covered in scribbled notes, but right now there is a sense of  achievement as I pass another milestone on this journey. 

I think you simply have to keep writing, pushing on, putting in the time, if you want to achieve your goal.  So, please, wish me luck as I sit down this morning, red pen and highlighter to hand, to begin the next stage of this fascinating venture.

Today’s Haiku


A crowd of snowdrops
tremble, shaking their heads in
gusts of chill March wind.
And I haven’t been idle, I’ve been editing haikus for the upcoming Haikus Galore which will appear on Amazon in April (date tbc).

I'm going to rotate the links to other writers I find helpful and I hope you will too. One newsletter I subscribe to, and ere there are plenty of good tips and information, is: 

And I found Mark Coker's no nonsense blog which gives you the truth about publishing really informative.

Another valuable book is How Fiction Works by James Wood which has lots of insights to help you with your writing. 

For all book lovers out there, I wish you good reading and for those of you who write, good writing.


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